Search Results
Open MLIR Meeting 3-9-2023: Convolution Optimization to Improve Performance Beyond Im2Col+GEMM
2023 EuroLLVM - MLIR-based offline memory planning and other graph-level optimizations for
Open MLIR Meeting 2-9-2023: Deep Dive on MLIR Internals, Operation&Attribute, towards Properties
Open MLIR Meeting 3-30-2023: Representing Dataflow with MLIR
Open MLIR Meeting 1-26-2023: Controllable Transformations in MLIR with the `transforms` dialect
2023 EuroLLVM - Using MLIR to Optimize Basic Linear Algebraic Subprograms
2023 EuroLLVM - Multiple-Entry, Multiple-Exit MLIR Regions
MLIR Open Meeting 2021-05-27: A MLIR Dialect for Quantum Assembly Languages
Session 7B: LoWino: Towards Efficient Low Precision Winograd Convolutions on Modern CPUs
MLIR Open Meeting 2022-01-27: Introduction to Linalg.generic
Dr. Reza Hojabr - 02/24/2023 - Streaming Accelerators for Highly Sparse GEMM on FPGAs
Hanchen Ye UIUC ScaleHLS Scalable High Level Synthesis through MLIR